Monday, June 24, 2013

lunch Pasta w/pesto

This afternoon flew by before realizing that my kids needed lunch. Some quick thinking led me to my go to plan B lunch , pasta with homemade pesto. It is yummy and quick , and my kids usually eat it all up before I get any. While I am boiling the pasta I go in the garden and get basil, parsley and mint. Fling them in a food processor with a garlic clove , salt, and pepper. Then, while leaving the processor running I add olive oil in a slow steady stream. Done. I drained the pasta tossed it with the pasta. Done. If I had some parm I would grate some. Oh well next time. I also should have added pine nuts but didn't have any. A few missing ingredients never stop me. I called the kids and as the descend the staircase they sniff the air, and exclaim, "pesto!" This should hold them for a bit before football camp.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Facebook and Mothers

Reading what my FB "friends" have posted on FB, is that they really don't like moms posting about about their kids or posting pictures of food or God forbid both at the same time. "Moms should really have their own Facebook page" one of my friend's friend posted. Really? Hey why stop there, how about a Nonwhite moms Facebook page? You know us moms of an international sort are bat shit crazy. Yep, gotta love discrimination. Sure I don't like reading the details of potty training on FB, I hide or delete, of course people don't want to do that because than they wouldn't have anything to whine about. I have never posted to complain about single friends or friends with no kids. Never gotten on FB and said, " Girls that are engaged are so annoying . Pick a dang dress already!", or "Geesh another picture of a drink at a bar,someone might have a problem!" I realize not everyone likes or loves my kids, but shouldn't my "friends " like me? Be a little interested in my life. They can see I am a mom with kids. Maybe they should have a stalker request. I can stalk your FB page for a bit see that you are a loving mom , married and a little bit chubbier than last I saw you , then get the hell out. Everyone says , don't put that crap on FB , blog about it. So that is what I am going to do. I dusted off my Blog that I started a long time ago, and I am going to blog and blog about my freaking awesome kids and all the food pics you could dream off. Not to say I won't be on FB , twitter and I just started Instagram . I am everywhere. If you don't like it, I can tell you where you can shove your status . smooches !

Friday, May 6, 2011

my Fourth Child

As some of you know our family adpoted a puppy back in Dec. We knew it was crazy but didn't really know. A lot like when you get pregnant and you know its going to be a change but you never really know.

I never grew up with dogs just cats. I grew up being very scared of dogs.

Fast forward to last Dec. My now four year old daughter has wanted a dog for a year. She saw dogs and she would want to pet and love and cuddle . my boys were a little more cautions. Finally through much discussion, I started resreaching dogs. Even had my cousin who works for animal shelters and knows a thing or two about adopting pets
What would be the best dog for our family? I came up with a a vision of a medium sized dog, short hair and a girl. Sorry but I have too many boys in the house already.

So what did I come home with?! A Lab/ chow mix. Big puppy that keeps getting bigger and bigger. Has long hair and is a boy!!!! We appropriately named him Bear. Best laid plans? Whatever.
He is crazy, full of energy and wants so much attention .

Needless to say we love him, but he is a ton of work.
And just like having a baby we cannot imagine our lives with out him..... Well okay I can. Quiet , no dog poop, and having more money if we didn't have to pay for his organic dog food!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Trips to the Library

Ahh trips to the Library. Is there anything more quaint and romantic to do with your little ones? Picking wonderful books about adventures, tea parties and cuddly animals. Then, finding a seat to cuddle and read to wide eyed audience.

RIIIGHT! This is how it usually goes down. Our books are almost always over due, I am ripping up the pea patch trying to find them , then I am getting all the books together . All the kid have their own library bags. This honestly is not the best idea. Too much to keep track off, Kids, book bags, and books.

We arrive at the library. now the fun begins. The three year old starts ripping books off The shelf not even looking at them and stuffing them in her book book bag. She has it overflowing and dragging behind her, The eldest has ditches me without a word to the computer section and tells me ," Whatever you pick out is fine." Then the middle child asks if I can read to him the book he has picked out. Finally! At least one of the kids gets my romantic notion. That is until I take a look at the book. Everything you Ever Want to Know About Pythons. Complete with telling photos. I try to stifle a scream but people turn to look anyway. So we find place to read this book and learn, how, Pythons, eats, mates, and where they live. I try to accidentally leave the book behind but that is too easy. He tells me, "Oops you forgot this!" Then the youngest gives you all her books, books we already own except for one titled "What is Happening To Grandpa?!" I decided to to leave this one. Not there is anything wrong with it but since our Grandpa is doing just fine, we don't need to make that a topic of discussion. I skip looking for a book for myself no time. The little one is doing the pee dance and refuses to use the the public bathroom.
Time to gather the kids, check out the mountain of books, and head for the car. doing all this has left me sweaty an exhausted. Surely a trip to the Library is a workout? Now it is time go home have a huge glass of ice water read a trashy magazine and watch the kid play Wii till dinner!

Su on The Beach!

The original name of this drink is Su on The Beach in A Bikini. Trust me after a couple of theses babies you won't care what I am wearing! But the name was too long.

You will need
Club soda (If you are feeling fancy Pellegrino is lovely!)
Coconut Rum
cranberry juice
and a sprig of mint(Optional)
Fresh cranberries are a great garnish for the Holiday season!

A nice tall cold glass

Put a bunch of ice in the glass. Add however much coconut rum you want . Add some Cranberry juice and then top it off with the club soda/sparkling water. Stir
Add Mint or fresh cranberries to garnish
and there you have it!
Sip slowly , sit back and enjoy!
Great for parties or having a few girlfriends over.

I am back

Well hello . Yes, I am alive! The kids have not taken over and I have not been murdered by a falling mountain of laundry. I guess I have been actually taking care of my family! But I assure you I'm done with that and back to my Blog! More moms of the week to come, I am still working on new drinks, and cleaning tips as well.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


So this time I am going to write in first person. let me know what you think.
Last night G decided to stay at home. It was either that or start strangling people at work. I was very supportive. Secretly because when he stays home he sees that son # 1 gets on the bus and makes breakfast and the coffee.

So As I descend my staircase like I 'm movie star with a cup of coffee waiting for me . Pure decadence. Then I realize that I have a playdate for the 2 kids at home coming over in two hours. I look around and snap out of my movie star haze.

Dishes high in the sink, unfolded laundry on the couch, The bathroom looked like a two year has been potty training.
I hurriedly get ready, cleaning, baking muffins, and get my son to help clean the living room. I shower as I think my guest would probably thank me. I vaccum and find my Fast
tips for Cleaning House book wedged under one of my couches. Hmmmm I need to sit down and read that sometime.

Play date was nice and my house was tidier. my Instyle Magazine , and Nordstoms Catalog came in the mail. So I got to pour over them .

I need to squeeze in a workout and I will be set!

Thursdays are so much better than Wed.