Thursday, July 15, 2010

Trips to the Library

Ahh trips to the Library. Is there anything more quaint and romantic to do with your little ones? Picking wonderful books about adventures, tea parties and cuddly animals. Then, finding a seat to cuddle and read to wide eyed audience.

RIIIGHT! This is how it usually goes down. Our books are almost always over due, I am ripping up the pea patch trying to find them , then I am getting all the books together . All the kid have their own library bags. This honestly is not the best idea. Too much to keep track off, Kids, book bags, and books.

We arrive at the library. now the fun begins. The three year old starts ripping books off The shelf not even looking at them and stuffing them in her book book bag. She has it overflowing and dragging behind her, The eldest has ditches me without a word to the computer section and tells me ," Whatever you pick out is fine." Then the middle child asks if I can read to him the book he has picked out. Finally! At least one of the kids gets my romantic notion. That is until I take a look at the book. Everything you Ever Want to Know About Pythons. Complete with telling photos. I try to stifle a scream but people turn to look anyway. So we find place to read this book and learn, how, Pythons, eats, mates, and where they live. I try to accidentally leave the book behind but that is too easy. He tells me, "Oops you forgot this!" Then the youngest gives you all her books, books we already own except for one titled "What is Happening To Grandpa?!" I decided to to leave this one. Not there is anything wrong with it but since our Grandpa is doing just fine, we don't need to make that a topic of discussion. I skip looking for a book for myself no time. The little one is doing the pee dance and refuses to use the the public bathroom.
Time to gather the kids, check out the mountain of books, and head for the car. doing all this has left me sweaty an exhausted. Surely a trip to the Library is a workout? Now it is time go home have a huge glass of ice water read a trashy magazine and watch the kid play Wii till dinner!


  1. Head home for a glass of ice water? After that, I say head home for a Su on the Beach! ;)

  2. Well usually we get back about 2 or 3 in the afternoon but okay! :)

  3. I've never taken Lauren to the library. I usually go solo, when I actually make it there. I always say "This is the day go!" and then it gets pushed to the wayside.

    This week WILL be the week we go to the library. It will be full of fun and memories.

    Or it might be chaotic with a 3 year old...whatever. :)
