Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wed. Episode

On this episode:
Su hates Wed. Maybe even over Mondays. Someone on the school board decided that
Wed. Should be a Teacher planning day so the kids go to school a half day. Some kids go early in the morning and some kids go later in the morning. Su's of course are are early.

Fifteen minutes earlier than other school days to get kids up, fed, dressed and to the bust stop. Su would love to have whomever it is that made this up be awoken every Wed. 15 minutes earlier than normal forthe rest of their lives.

Son # 1 is off to school. She then gets son # 2 ready for school. Valentines card for kids and teachers for the party.

then she spends two hours going to stores and trying to find cookies for the party to decorate since someone forgot to make and bring them. This on an empty stomache and 12 cups of coffee is not a good combo.

Then its off to pick kids up and go to to the parents house and get some much needed lunch.

IT was a nice rest but Su is still tired. She calls G and he is tried and grumpy. Rather than clean and cook they opt to go out of Mexican food. not the healthiest but they drink water and share.

Then home and stories. Kids are asleep and Su is ready to crash but first a Cocktail. what better drink to kick Wednesday's Ass until next week but one her signature drink Su on the Beach .

Kiss my ass Wed.

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